Sometimes, when simple things in life become complicated and our plans seem to go awry, it can be very easy to temporarily forget all the ways that you are blessed. Emily Florence Devereaux's delayed bid for British citizenship is only one small complication in her very complicated life. As the pressure continues to build against Emily and her friends and family, it becomes easier for everyone to temporarily lose perspective. Although the overt attacks and threats seem to continue and life even is even becoming dangerous at times, the miracles and miraculous events are also on the rise and it clearly remains a team effort for everyone to remain in faith and to stay encouraged. For some, learning how to remain connected is actually paramount to survival. Emily and company are discovering that their list of allies is steadily growing, their faith is clearly increasing and their determination to maintain close relationships has become unassailable.
ASCEND is a story that clearly illustrates how people are actually designed to be closely connected and how those kinds of healthy love connections can not only support our current dreams, they can actually help to birth new dreams and expand our ability to cast larger visions for our lives and the lives of the ones we love.