At the age of 20, Brandon Grimm was diagnosed with a brain tumor in the pituitary gland. The ensuing surgery removed a large portion of the tumor; however, residual tumor was located a few months later. After recovering from the surgery, Brandon was diagnosed with the rare and chronic disease, Acromegaly. This disease causes too much growth hormone to be produced in Brandon's body which reduces life expectancy by several years if left untreated. Over the last 14 years, Brandon has received over 4,000 injections to reduce the level of growth hormone and restore life expectancy back to normal range. This book documents his experiences, including battles with anxiety, fear, doubt and hopelessness. Brandon provides a first-hand account of how God provides all of us with the tools needed to overcome these relentless enemies. In this book, you will unlock the life-saving power of perspective regardless of your current circumstance and learn how to find freedom in fear, belief in the doubt and light in the darkness. Brandon also provides practical applications for unleashing the power of a new perspective by doing instead of having, focusing on how well instead of how long and what it means to sacrifice for the benefit of others.
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