As I feel it- A collection of 1000 poems is an anthology. As mentioned in the caption, it consists of 1000 poems of all varieties like love, life, philosophy, social issues, nature etc.. All the poems are composed in three quatrains, in 12 lines. Rhyming scheme, voice, syntax, diction, figures of speech, mood, meter and simple language make the poems vivid and interesting. These can be easily sung as each line is with good rhythm. Of 1000 poems, 101 sonnets about the Indian Culture are composed. Natural feelings make the anthology very interesting. Each poem focuses on one main idea and it is visualized through appropriate words and sentences. The book definitely leaves a good impact on the readers. Without deviating from the main idea, all the poems are composed using economical usage of the words as condensed usage of words gives good sound and meaning. Some of the poems take the readers to recall their past.
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