Among the many books that Norman Beaupr? has written and published, this particular one, An Artist of Daring Creativity is most probably the highlight of his career as an established writer. As an author, he values the creative spirit that goes into any work of art, especially one that demonstrates a rare quality of expression.
Micheline Bousquet is just such an artist. In his analytical biography, the author recognizes the outstanding quality of Bousquet's skills as an artist and teacher. He considers her one of the finest artists of the last seventy-five years or so although she never achieved acclamation for her work. She struggled and sacrificed for any worthwhile acclaim but she did not, could not afford to gain it due to her financial difficulties and her lack of beneficial contacts in the art world. Nevertheless, she has yet to be discovered. Norman Beaupr? believes that one day, her creative work ever daring in mastery and powerful esthetic fulfillment will not only be discovered by many but will undoubtedly be acclaimed as a true and lasting artistic endeavor in the realm of creativity that is considered daring and insightful by many of her students and her followers. Norman Beaupr? insists that although Micheline Bousquet struggled with financial means, she was indeed rich in creative talent and artistic expression. Micheline Bousquet died in April, 2021 and is buried in Varengeville-sur-mer cemetery in Normandy, France where she spent a good portion of her life as an American artist of French descent.