Foreword; J.Schwarz da Silva. Preface; L.M.Correia et al. Contributors. List of Acronyms. List of Figures. List of Tables.
1. Introduction; L.M.Correia et al.
2. A System Overview; M.Johnsson.
3. Socio-economic; J.Salo and L.M.Correia.
4. Network Design; S.Perez Sanchez and R.Bless.
5. Naming and Addressing; H.Karl, T.Biermann and H.Woesner.
6. Security Aspects and Principles; C.G. Schultz.
7. Interdomain Concepts and Quality of Service; P.A.Aranda Guti?rrez and J.Carapinha.
8. Managing Networks; D.Gillblad and A.Gonzalez Prieto.
9. How Connectivity is Established and Managed; H.Woesner and T.Biermann.
10. How to Manage and Search/Retrieve Information Objects; S.Nechifor.
11. Use Case-From Business Scenario to Network Architecture; M.Johnsson and A.M.Biraghi.
12. Prototype Implementations; D.Martin and M.Zitterbart.
13. Conclusions; H.Abramowicz and K.Wuenstel.
Appendix Project Description and Reports. Glossary. Index.