See below for English description.
Archie est un paresseux qui ne tient pas en place. Il bouge tellement et il est si tapageur que ses amis ne le supportent plus et l'encouragent ? quitter le clan. Archie finira-t-il par trouver un endroit o? il se sentira bien?
Archie is an energetic sloth that loves to leap, swing, and dance about However, the other sloths grow tired of his antics and ask him to leave. Longing to be understood, Archie sets off to meet new friends who are also different in their own special ways. But Archie still misses his sloth friends.
Acting on some sage advice from an elephant, Archie returns home to find his friends in danger. Will his fast-thinking and fast-action ways save them? Will they ever accept him for who he is?
Original title: Archie - No Ordinary Sloth