The summer is over Twelve-year-old triplets, Brayden, Rebecca, and Jason Hoffman, and their ten-year-old younger sister Maddie have returned from sleepaway camp. Although they are unhappy that school is about to begin, everything changes when they meet the new kids on the block. Jake and Jordie Green are eleven-year-old twins, and their sister Leah is nine. The Hoffman and Green kids can't believe how much they have in common. Not only are they close in age, but they have so many of the same hobbies. Some of them even look alike As they become the best of friends, they realize that it is not their sameness that makes them good friends but their very special differences. Join the Hoffmans and Greens for a new school year full of lots of fun, adventures, but challenges too. Find out how the "Super Seven" meet these challenges and realize that Anything is Possible