Every person is wired for love differently, with different habits, needs, and reactions to conflict. Healthy relationships require trust, intimacy, effective communication, and understanding...
No matter how committed you are, anxiety can leave you feeling distanced from your partner. By changing the way you react to stress, you will be able to focus on enjoying time with the one you love, without anxiety getting in the way. With this book, you will learn to stay centered when faced with conflict, understand your partner's perspective, and become more independent.
Inside Anxiety in Relationship, we will talk about:
With self-awareness, you can successfully explore old anxiety-perpetuating perceptions and habits without being overwhelmed or paralyzed by them. By understanding the psychological factors at the root of your attachment anxiety, you will learn to cultivate secure, healthy relationships to last a lifetime.
Anxiety in Relationship is essential reading for couples and others interested in understanding the complex dynamics at work behind love and trust in intimate relationships. The concepts included can be applied to any relationship, whether your partnership is weeks, months, years, or decades old.
If you are ready to break the self-fulfilling cycle of mistrust, clinginess, and heartbreak and start building lasting, trusting relationships, this book will be your guide.
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