Ten extraordinary women. A year-long assignment to the frozen wastes of Antarctica. What could go wrong?
When self-acknowledged thrill seeker and world traveling meteorologist, Jo Peterson, is asked to join a mission to Antarctica by her best friend and mission leader, Ty Blackwell, she balks. Staying in one place and getting involved with a team of intense women isn't her thing, but how can she turn down the one person who's stood by her or a golden trip to winter over at the South Pole? Immediately, things begin to spiral out of control. As the group wrestles to find their footing and work together, sabotage, infighting, and misunderstandings, block their path to success. It doesn't help when the mission doctor with a mysterious past, pulls on feelings Jo's spent a lifetime avoiding. Can this team work together to survive the harsh environment, an unknown enemy, and bring the mission home?