"On that hot July afternoon in 1939, I was playing a pinball machine in Hennicks when I looked up and saw a tall, blue-eyed, ash-blonde come up the steps. I did not know who she was, but I had to find out. I know that there is not supposed to be such a thing as love at first sight, but I was the exception to the rule...Fortunately or unfortunately, the same thing did not happen to her."
Discover how one young gentleman pursues the only woman for him - a sophisticated, beautiful college educated teacher - who against all odds, in 140 chivalrous letters, wins her heart with endearing and hopeful words. Two Ohio small town lovers come together, as the world explodes into war.
January 6, 1941- "I don't know why it is, but when things are right between us, there's a strange something that seems to hold us together. When it's there it shuts us off completely from everything else for awhile. Maybe it's just me though, I don't know. I'm looking forward to summer again, when we can be together, and when we can forget that we're schoolteachers and are just Evelyn and Dick, happy swimming, playing tennis, golfing - or sitting on your front porch in the moonlight looking for a couple of stars that belong to us. I hope the one star never fades. Well, sweetness, how can I ever get you to love me by mail?"