El hombre m s rico del mundo vivi en el medio oriente hace 3 mil a os. Ten a un salario m nimo, vital y m vil de 1.000 millones de d lares anuales y tuvo un patrimonio neto de m s de dos billones de d lares. En cierto sentido, mucho m s que Bill Gates o Carlos Slim... juntos
La buena noticia, es que el hombre m s rico del mundo nos dej sus ideas escritas y sus consejos han sobrevivido a trav s de los milenios. Aquellos que lo obedecieron, no sufrieron la ltima crisis financiera sino que la aprovecharon. Aquellos que lo ignoraron, pagaron las consecuencias.
El doctor Andr s Panasiuk analiza todo el legado de ideas de este gran hombre y nos presenta en 31 cap tulos de f cil lectura, uno para cada d a del mes.
El hombre m s rico del mundo te ense ar
C mo hacer un Plan para controlar tus gastos.C mo hacer un Plan para pagar tus deudas.C mo comprar seguros inteligentemente.C mo hacer un plan de inversiones s lidas para tu futuro.No se puede llegar a ser el hombre m s rico del mundo por casualidad. Para llegar all , debes pensar y actuar diferente.
The Wealthiest Man on Earth
The Wealthiest Man on Earth lived in the Middle East three thousand years ago. He had a minimum wage of 1.000 million dollars a year and had a net worth of more than 2 million of million dollars (two Trillions). In a sense, much more than Bill Gates and Carlos Slim... Together
The good news is that the wealthiest man on earth left us his ideas in paper and his advices have survived through the millenniums. Those who obeyed him, did not suffered the last financial crisis but took advantage of it. Those who ignored him, paid the consequences.
Doctor Andr s Panasiuk analyzes the legacy of this great man and brings us 31 easy-to-read chapters, one for each day of the month.
The Wealthiest Man on Earth will teach you:
How to make a plan to control your expenses.How to make a plan to pay off your debts.How to acquire insurance wisely.How to make an investment plan for the future.It is not possible to become the wealthiest man on earth by chance. To get there, you must think and act differently.