Have you ever spotted a married couple where you could tell they absolutely loved being together? Did you assume they simply matched up correctly and nothing else had to be done? Well, that would be rare!
This book is packed full of examples on how to perk up a ho-hum struggling marriage, using a concept called "passing the test". Each chapter is filled with an abundant amount of new knowledge and suggestions that will bring hope on how to truly accept and enjoy each other again. It offers solutions on how to renew the love you once had and give perspective on how married life really should be; relaxed, long-lived, and most of all happy!
"Passing the Test" works best when adapted by both husband and wife. Reading, then answering the questions together will cement what has been learned, triggering the desire to introduce this way of life to the whole family.
One couple said, "After teaching this concept to our boys all the arguing stopped. Another said, "We were about to divorce until we gave this a try." A wife said, "I didn't know how to treat my husband until I read this book." Kids have commented, they were so glad their parents were not arguing anymore.