Abstinence isn't about not having sex--it's about waiting to have it right.
The pressure to conform to the sexual norms of our culture and to forgo God's plan for purity--His best for you--can be overwhelming. Whether you're committed to abstinence, just hanging in there, or you've already gone too far, you're not alone.
This journal, a companion guide to be used as you read the bestselling And the Bride Wore White, provides fun and thought-provoking activities that will help you learn how to:
Embrace God's grace to live a life of purityCommit to keep God first and stay off the boy-crazy trainDetermine to save sex for marriageBegin the process of healing if sexual sin has broken your heart
So what do you really think about sex? And, more importantly, what does God think? Use this companion guide in your own study, with a small group, or even in a lively overnight retreat. Videos and a leader's guide are available online.