Displaying astounding plays of naturalistic illusionism, the Spinola Hours is one of the most visually sophisticated 16th-century Flemish manuscripts. It contains a calendar of Church holidays, the Hours of the Virgin, the Office for the Dead, weekday offices and masses, and other prayers, hymns and readings, all providing ample possibilities for rich illuminations. We are honoured to partner with Getty to reproduce this luxurious page.
Format: MiniSize: Width: 90mm (31/2") x Height: 140mm (51/2") x Depth: 15mm (1/2")Interior: Address BookPage Count: 128PagesClosure: Elastic BandColour: Multi-colourGSM (paper weight): 120Binding Type: Smyth SewnCover: HardcoverEdge Printing: NoPouch Type: Memento PouchInterior Paper: Custom-designed laid paper100% recycled binder boardsDecorative printed cover paperFSC-certified text paperThreaded stitching and glue, as neededAcid-free sustainable forest paperThumb cut page edges