More than another book about copyright, An Instructor's Companion for Teaching Copyright provides practical guidance for introducing, developing, and assessing knowledge regarding copyright as it applies to educational settings. It is an invaluable resource for the production of instructional materials as well as assessment tools such as quizzes and tests, and serves as a source of organized lessons that can be quickly and easily adapted for use in a variety of teaching contexts, relieving educators of the time-consuming task of developing relevant instructional units and activities out of thin air.
Chapters cover topics such as the definition of key terms like copyright and fair use, the implications of accessing streaming services such as Netflix or YouTube in class situations, laws that affect the use of copyrighted materials, and exceptions to the copyright law that could apply to teaching situations. The guide also serves as a companion to currently existing texts on copyright law and other sources of information about copyright law. If you are a K-12 educator, school or academic librarian, or professor responsible for educating students, teachers, or administrators about copyright, this book will benefit you.
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