The book " An Adventure in the Mediterranean" is a biographical, autobiographical, historical book and refers to real events that have taken place over the last hundred years.
He begins by describing biographical events from the village where a family lived in the 1920s and historically since the outbreak of World War II.
The main character of the book is a father, Nikos Karozis, who from an early age, due to Greece's submission to the Germans, participated in the transfer of eighteen officers of the Greek Army from Attica to Alexandria, Egypt, where other Greek soldiers were in the war., the Battle of El Alamein, in the Royal Navy movement in 1944 in Alexandria, the Landing in Italy and the Battle of Rimini, and at the end of the war, in pursuit of the last nuclei of the enemy, accompanied by food convoys and supplies. for the civilian population and the revitalization of the old Naval Administrations that would help in the establishment of the new Greek Administration.
He also took part in the peaceful reconciliation of the Greeks, from the civil war that was created after the liberation lasted for at least five years, without the real truth of the events being restored to the Greek people.
The current big problem that this book is trying to solve, is the ignorance that the reader has, about the reasons that the Greeks were led to the civil war and their self-destruction.
The period of eighty years from the civil war until today can summarize the collective memory and the tradition of a historical era, but it does not clarify the reasons that led the Greeks to the National Divide.
The Greeks had planned everything related to the liberation. They had planned everything until the release. Until then, everything was fine, everything was honey - milk, they were all comrades, patriots and especially people, real fellow human beings.
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