Introduction Built upon the struggle of 19th century and early 20th century leaders like Rammohan Roy, Mahadev Govind Ranade, Swami Vivekananda Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Jotiba Phule, against social discrimination and oppression, Gandhi and Dr. Ambedkar introduce the possibility of new India free of untouchability along with India's struggle for freedom. Gandhi and Dr. Ambedkar have different outlook and method to eradicate untouchability. Gandhi tries it within the framework of Hindu caste system whereas Dr. Ambedkar tries it by renouncing Hinduism. Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born on 14 April 1891 in a family of the Mahar community in Maharashtra. His father's family originally lived in Ambabad. At one end of the village lived the people of the upper caste Brahmin community of the so-called society. The people of the Brahmin community used to build tile huts or concrete houses to live as much as they could. There was countryside on the outskirts of the village. This village was inhabited by the people of the lower caste Mahar community of the so-called society. Mahars were called untouchables. They used to build houses on a piece of land. The Mahars did not have the right to build tile houses or concrete houses even if they could afford it. It is in this village that they are born, live and die untouchable according to the rules of time. Maharashtra has the highest number of Mahars among the untouchables. Apart from the Mahar community in Maharashtra, people from the Maria, Pancham, Khote, Chamar etc. communities live there. But their identity is the same. They are untouchable. Ramji Shakpal is one of the most influential people in the Mahar community of Maharashtra. He served in the army under British rule. His wife was Vimabai. Among their fourteen children, Bhimrao Ramji was the youngest. Bhimrao Ramji lost his mother when he was only 6 years old. Father Ramji Shakpal despite many social and economic obstacles, Bhimrao have tried to give Ramji formal education. He started his schooling at Satara High School in Mumbai in 1900. Despite his deep focus on schooling, he could not forget that he was untouchable. While studying at Satara High School, he came in contact with an exceptional teacher who, being a Brahmin himself did not discriminate between the untouchables. "Religion is for man and not for religion,