Discover your true identity in Christ.
Many of us live for approval of others. The problem is that living for what people think of you is the quickest way to forget what God thinks of you.
In this 5-session video study guide (guide sold separately), pastor and author of Winning the War in Your Mind Craig Groeschel shows individuals and small groups how to abandon self-worth based on accomplishments and possessions, turning instead to God to find out who we are.
You'll learn to expose false labels and selfish motives, sacrificing them on the altar of God's truth. As you discover your true identity in Christ, your altar ego will drive your actions, empowering you to live according to God's higher values with a deep confidence in His calling. Rather than living a timid, halfhearted, shallow cultural Christianity, you'll boldly live in the confidence of the God who believes in you.
Are you willing to lay it all on the altar?
Sessions include:
Overcoming the Labels that Bind You (12:00)You Are God's Masterpiece (10:00)Trading the Immediate for the Ultimate (11:30)Living with Integrity (10:00)Developing Spiritual Boldness (12:00)
Designed for use with Altar Ego Study Guide 9780310894940 (sold separately).