When we close our eyes to dream
time and space lose all meaning
along silver pathways we are drifting
towards further horizons
beyond the edge of understanding
Li-San, daughter of Ancient Mu
who never should have trusted the men
from far off shining Atlantis
suddenly finds herself in a technological world
her primitive mind could have never imagined
Allison Marduk, Queen of the Silver Screen
who only wanted to leave her mark
on a country that never wanted her
a landscape that did not understand her
to find that a universe that was waiting for her
And Xora Aster, the Princess of Deep Space
who only loved her father
and loathed her mother
and now discovers
an alien planet filled with wonder
Three girls form an odd sisterhood
lurking in the nebulous regions
between darkness and light
three girls who shall challenge
everything we ever thought we knew