Leighton Vaughn's prestigious fine art atelier--and her life--appear to be settling down after a messy divorce. She prioritizes her daughter, art, and, teaching--that is until gifted Casey Norford joins the close-knit New York academy.
Casey didn't receive the artistic education she expected from her degree, but a spot at Atelier Vaughn will remedy that. Even more than the opportunity to study with the famed Leighton Vaughn, Casey wants to give her son a stable childhood that won't resemble her own. She's not sure of the true extent of her artistic talent, but she's keenly aware of her attraction to her instructor, and that attraction appears mutual.
Their sticky teacher-student relationship puts the future of the atelier in jeopardy, and Leighton's obsessive ex tracks her down. Will they sacrifice everything to be together?
Content advisory: This book contains instances of domestic violence.