A church united in truth and mission could be much more fruitful in serving th Lord.
Jesus prayed that all his disciples would be one... and yet we are a long way from that.
It appears that divisions within the evangelical world are hardening, with many of us going to those conferences, listening to those speakers and reading those books and newspapers which will simply confirm us within our tribal divisions - and we are increasingly neglecting our God-given responsibility to seek for unity. David Coffey has worked across the tribes for many years, and in this book he calls on all evangelicals to be prepared to pull down their barriers and to reach out to each other, for the sake of reaching this needy nation with the gospel.
'This is a timely book. Evangelical unity is not a luxury, but is crucial to the vitality and credibility of our life and witness.'
- The Revd Jonathan Edwards, General Secretary, Baptist Union of Great Britain.
'Coming from the pen of a Christian Statesman who has 'earned the right to be heard', this publication could transform the ecclesiastical landscape were its message to be welcomed and embraced.'
- John Glass, General Superintendent, Elim Pentecostal Churches.
'This is a valuable book on a crucial subject for today's evangelical community.' -
John Risbridger, Above Bar Church.
'Linking unity with effective evangelism, David tackles the issue of evangelical tribalism with disarming clarity and honesty.'
- Marcus Honeysett, Living Leadership Director.