After reading this, anyone should be able to pass Christianity 101.
Welcome to our book: A blend of all four gospels, with Jewish and Christian history added in just the right places to fill out the gospel story in a dynamic way for our modern culture. Jesus is Jewish, the old testament is Jewish, and the new testament is a combination of Christian and Jewish background.
The group who prepared this for you comes from many and various backgrounds of Christian churches and teaching. This helped tremendously and at the same time were unsure of exactly what to present to you of the added material presented along with the gospel narrative. We take the gospels to be one hundred percent accurate, but anything we added, we knew we could not get one hundred percent. But we wanted to at least get above 90 percent with the added Christian and Jewish histories. If not, then we have no desire to do this book. So, we prayed hard and studied diligently. We wanted an accurate, simple and clear presentation of the gospel. We prayed, if the Lord wills that we could present to all an accurate percentage of what we got right. After all that is said and done, we strongly feel that the Lord has told us that we are ninety eight percent accurate on the added material.
Please understand, this is not a boasting thing, we just wanted to avoid vagueness so that the reader can be confident of what we have put forth. Putting aside pre-conceived ideas, human biases, which are both conscious and subconscious, with every denomination and theology considered, we were determined to give you the best and most accurate rendition of the gospel possible.
With that said, one may be surprised with what is accurate as you read. Please understand, love always comes first, and accurate knowledge is second. As love builds up, but knowledge can puff up. This book is designed to give anyone, Christian or not, a better understanding of who Jesus and all the saints are.
Please read the whole book with an open mind and see if the pieces fall together for you as they did for us. We are sure you will come across things you had not heard of or things you disagree with. That is fine: we encourage all feedback, criticism, disagreements, etc...