It began as a mission to save an unspoiled world, but people are going missing. Now it's a desperate battle to survive.
Present day - 24th century Earth
Mikel Pelerin, a young scientist, dreams of an accomplishment worthy of his famous father, the Aran native who became a martyr to save his home planet. Mikel travels to Aran for the chance of a major scientific breakthrough-to meet the elusive whynywir, Aran's true natives. But it all goes wrong, and now Mikel needs help.
Future - 33rd century Earth
Time-traveling historian Aiana discovers a holo of the most famous person in history, the 24th-century world redeemer Taerlin. The way he looks at her is decidedly personal. It speaks to her across centuries-she must find him. But time travel to Taerlin's century on Earth is impossible, even in theory. Following a legend that Taerlin is from Aran, Aiana braves her university's threats to cut off her funding and begins a millennia-long search.
Taerlin is Mikel.
When Mikel meets the mysterious time-traveler Aiana, he is fascinated by her, but she dares not reciprocate his growing love. Aiana knows he must follow his destiny-Taerlin's destiny-to die in the events that shape both Earth and Aran.
Read Alien Son to find out if Mikel and Aiana can find a future together.