"Albert, The Story of a Lost Dog" tells of a small dog hurled from a moving truck into California's mountain wilderness. Suffering from hunger, thirst and loneliness, his skin is inflamed by insects and thorny undergrowth.
When he discovers a dancing fox that hypnotizes wild turkeys, Albert tries a somersault with startling results. Later an angry mother bear wallops him, but Albert is smart as well as brave.
Homeless and wandering, he finally notices a man outside a cabin, alone and leaning on a cane. Running closer, he wags his tail and barks. "We already have a dog," the man murmurs. But Ellen, his wife, brings out kibble and water for Albert. At nighttime, they take him inside with them.
Carrying suitcases for the drive home to San Francisco, Ellen sees a black flash whirling past her toward the car. It is Albert, dreading another desertion. She lays him on the back seat and his shivering stops. Upon their arrival, two daughters greet them. The family includes a cat and another dog.
A life of drama, humor, sadness and love awaits Albert in San Francisco.