Here is an major Example;
{President John F. Kennedy (JFK) in a speech to the nation on Civil Rights, June 11, 1963, mentioned mass Black Violence 12 times and called the Civil Rights Movement a 'Revolution'.}
"A great change is at hand, and our task, our obligation, is to make that revolution, that change, peaceful and constructive for all." JFK, June 1963
Full speech at the end of book.
Thus Re-Discovered history says that;
Blacks committed 5,000 race riots, 250,000 fires 1963-1973, and put the US Military into Race mutiny during Vietnam and the Cold War, costing America the war and the 'waste' of 58,400 American lives. All this to 'win' the Special Powers, Special Privileges, IE the Government created, Aristocracy of those civil rights laws.
This Mass Violence forced America to become a Marxist Nation, as the Government needed Vast New Powers to Protect and Serve the needs of the New Aristocracy, created by the Government.
All those persecuted in the past, (AKA: Victims of Freedom) Blacks, Women, Jews, Catholics, and Homosexuals, were given special Powers and Special Privileges by the Government to compensate for these 'wrongs'.
This made these groups Aristocracy by Law.
NOTE: .. Parts of Washington DC, were still BURNING as President Johnson, (LBJ) signed the "Fair Housing Act of 1968" into Law.
Yes, JFK's Civil Rights Act of 1964 Changed America into a Marxist Aristocracy
BUT, Why, is it that only 1 in 1,000 Americans know this historical Fact?
Why, in this so-called, 'Information Age' can this be a Secret?
Is the Government using AI to Delete/re-write Information for their own uses?... Yes is the answer here as this book proves.