Watch a recorded webinar on how to support children's social-emotional development through screening
The ASQ(R) SE-2 questionnaires are the most cost-effective, reliable way to screen young children for social-emotional issues in the first 6 years of life. Now in a second edition, the 9 age-appropriate questionnaires (2, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, and 60 months) effectively screen 7 key social-emotional areas: self-regulation, compliance, adaptive functioning, autonomy, affect, social-communication, and interaction with people.
What's New in ASQ: SE-2
ASQ: SE-2 questionnaires are better than ever, with helpful new features like: New 2 month questionnaire: Reliably screen and start monitoring children as young as 1 month, so critical interventions can start earlier. Screen through kindergarten: Now you can screen children from 1-72 months with no gaps, so you can use ASQ: SE-2 through kindergarten and the transition to school. New behavior and communication items designed to elicit parent concerns that may point to autism and early communication issues. New data and cutoffs: ASQ: SE-2 is based on updated research and a large sample size of more than 14,000 diverse children. New monitoring zone that clearly identifies children who are close to the cutoff and should be monitored and rescreened. Questionnaire items revised and refined based on user feedback, to help parents provide the best responses.
How to Use ASQ: SE-2 Questionnaires
Fast and easy to use, ASQ: SE-2 questionnaires take just 10-15 minutes for parents to complete. First, parents fill out the questionnaire, checking the response that best describes their child (TM)s behavior: often or always, sometimes, or rarely or never. Clear questions help parents complete the questionnaires quickly and accurately, and open-ended questions ask about any related parental concerns. Professionals score the questionnaire in just 2-3 minutes, and then transfer a total score to a simple summary sheet along with any concerns the parent has noted. The summary sheet, a visual indicator of social emotional development and parent concerns, indicates whether any followup should be considered.
When you purchase a box of ASQ: SE-2 questionnaires, you (TM)ll get photocopiable master copies on paper and printable PDF master copies on CD-ROM--so you and your staff will always have the format you want, right at your fingertips.
Convenient, easy online completion and management for ASQ: SE-2 questionnaires are available with the purchase of ASQ(R) Online.
Learn more about ASQ: SE-2 and its companion developmental screener, ASQ(R)-3--the valid, reliable, and trusted tool for screening children during the crucial first 51/2 years of life.