Everyone wants to find that one thing. Everyone wants to experience heaven but no one wants to witness himself or herself die. Well, he surrendered to her arms, and every part of him died. Stronger men may have survived, but the weakest one gets to speak to angels. In the apsis chapter where Mario Gabriel Adame's debut book Ignite Your Soul, Release Your Soul Vol. 1 leaves off, remixed and revived, this next poetry collection exhibits foundation for mirroring a far from beautiful loss and an entrance towards crushing trials. The journey continues into an inspiring woman and a man's language for love's every desperation.
Love poetics has existed for thousands of years. The search, the purity, the aggressiveness, and the beauty of words remain undying. Love brings sweet patience, yet it is wrapped in possessive moments. At the split second of birth, there is a will for love that is permanently in each of us. We cannot control its inception. We never lose it, and we are determine to connect it through family by a need to match love with one true romantic partner. Love is pain and it is pleasure. It floats magically like the air we breathe but cannot see, and it detains soul like criminal humiliation; which may occur without the realization of what you let kidnap your own spirit. After You, In Love Arrest is a contemporary lyrical broadcast of a thousand miles traveled to find the beginning and end state of Being in love.
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