This title follows the Atlantic Slave Trade from the deep interior of the Dark Continent to the shores of the Caribbean Islands, South America and beyond. Departure and arrival points for 12,000,000 people captured, sold and transported are noted. The slave centers of Europe and New England are described along with the businessmen and ship captains responsible for the Middle Passage. Presented are many facts which are generally distorted or completely ignored by today's mainstream writers and media. Also noted are several books and film which provide surprising facts that are seldom addressed or noted in today's publications
This is the fourth book written by Spencer Gantt. His topics generally address subjects such as slavery and Lincoln's War in a manner not typically used by conventional writers. In his books he addresses little known historical facts which are usually distorted or ignored by these writers. He intends to write more books.
Spencer is a native South Carolinian ... a graduate of Charleston High School and the University of South Carolina. Although his favorite subjects are history and literature (especially British), he has a Bachelor of Science degree and worked 33 years for the Westinghouse Nuclear Fuel Division. He is married with three grown children and nine grandchildren. Spencer loves his home State from the "mountains to the sea", especially the beaches of Myrtle, Charleston and Hilton Head and the People therein.
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