THE AFRICAN QUATUOR OF ALBERT RUSSO includes the author's award-winning novels set in the former Belgian Congo and Rwanda-Urundi, with historical facts which will surprise the English-speaking readers who are only aware of the often distorted reports they gather in today's media, that do not di erentiate between the cruel era of King L?opold II and the Belgian Congo, created in 1908, after the international scandal. Albert Russo's work has been praised by James Baldwin, Pierre Emmanuel (French poet - Acad?mie Fran?aise), Douglas Parm?e (world-renowned translator - Cambridge University), Paul Willems (poet, playwright - Acad?mie Royale de Belgique - and former curator of the Brussels Royal Museum of Art), Edmund White (writer and gay activist), and others. His work has been translated in a dozen languages. His award-winning African novels and his hilarious Zapinette series have appeared on both sides of the Atlantic, In India and in South Africa. He sat on the panel of the prestigious Neustadt Prize for Literature, which often leads to the Nobel Prize.