The second volume in the Advances in Personality Psychology series, this book presents an authoritative collection of works by leading experts in the field. It focuses on three of the major issues in personality psychology: personality, affect and arousal; personality and intelligence; and personality structure.
The first part of the book seeks to analyse cognitive biases dependent on anxiety and the biological foundations of thought and action. It also looks at the influence of temperamental traits on reaction to traumatic events. In the second part, contributions consider the mutual relations between personality and intelligence, the similarities and differences between personality and intelligence, and the cognitive mechanisms of human intelligence and personality. The final part analyses personality structure across cultures and presents a model of personality relevant to situational descriptions.
All the authors are experienced and renowned experts in the field of personality psychology. The volume incorporates critical reviews, bringing the reader up-to-date with key issues, and unique data from contemporary empirical research projects, reflecting the diversity and vigour of current work on personality psychology.
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