Have you ever started out with the intention of swimming laps to get fit but given up when it turns out to be much harder than you thought? Or do you find yourself gasping for breath after swimming a mere 50 metres? Or have you just always wanted to be a better swimmer?
If you have then Adults Guide To Better Swimming is just for you Created specifically for novice, recreational swimmers it focuses on the basics with simple, easy to understand language and helpful illustrations. Adults Guide To Better Swimming starts with the core foundations of swimming: Bubbles and Breath ControlBody PositionBreathing Efficiently"There are not many books that address the issues beginners face in such a positive way...."
"....does a great job of breaking the task down into easy, manageable steps....."
"This is a very well written and helpful book..."
Don't sit on the sidelines any longer Let Adults Guide To Better Swimming guide you on the journey to becoming a fit, proficient lap swimmer.