The renowned case gained popularity through a world-viewed story of Serial Podcast. It is a very tough case that started in 1999 and till 2022, the case emerged through the death of Hae Min Lee, and Adnan Syed was convicted. The serial podcast covered some of the cases, but this will give full detail of how the case came into existence and why it lasted for so long.
It is an arduous case that lasts for 23 years, the book entails a lot of outcomes of different trials of the case. Adnan has faced a lot of misfortune in different trials in the case, for a case to last 23 years of various investigations which were later resolved in the recent 2022.
It is crucial to know more about this story for a life lesson, a man serving 23 years in prison to a conviction he was later declared innocent from the rigorous investigation, get the book to know how the Victim dies, why Adnan was convicted, different outcomes of several trials, and why he was later set free.
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