Laugh-out-loud funny. A must-read for anyone seeking adventure, spiritual inspiration or a push toward living life.
Owen Wilkinson - G.V.S.R.
Complete and utter tosh. Good only for starting camp fires or when running low on toilet paper.
Warren King - W.K.P.
A travel book of extraordinary adventures, scrapes and near misses as Andy explores Planet Earth, noxious weeds and girls while inadvertently discovering a loving Universe and, ultimately, himself. If you are seeking thrills and explosive laughs then this is as good a place as any to find them - but be warned, your self-made life-boundaries may never be the same again.
'When I find myself stranded on a mountainside at dusk with one good leg, grovelling in the sand while holding my twisted neck and a psychopathic horse or being robbed at knife-point in a Panamanian slum I console myself by thinking 'Blimey This is going to make a pretty good after dinner story.' A.K.