Is it time to launch that new academic program? Here is the 'art' and 'science' of answering that question. Never has it been so critical for academic leaders to adopt an entrepreneurial mindset. Traditional financial management approaches such as resource prioritization and/or cutting one's way to sustainability are no longer sufficient long-term solutions. Successful academic leaders are outward-looking and have developed a discipline around driving entrepreneurial growth in ways that live and further leverage the mission.
We need provosts, deans, and other academic leaders who are creative, willing to take intelligent risks, and ready to seek answers to questions like:
"How can we do this differently?""What do we do really well that might be leveraged in new and unique ways?""What market opportunities exist that we are uniquely equipped to meet?"During her time as provost, Melissa Morriss-Olson has helped Bay Path University launch more than 20 successful new graduate programs over the past decade. In this comprehensive guide, Morriss-Olson will walk you through how to build and sustain entrepreneurial growth in your academic enterprise.