Abigail's Spirit Animal will take you and your children on a spiritual journey through nature. Abigail is in search of the animal that is a part of her spirit. Little does she know that each animal she comes across is already a part of who she is. After her discussions with many of the forest creatures, Abigail finds that her spirit animal has been with her the whole time. This book has been created based off of the positive affirmation, "I am that, I am." These are the words that God uses to describe himself to Moses in the spiritual literature of the Torah. This is a powerful affirmation that one should use daily and Abigail's Spirit Animal introduces the significance of the words, " I am that, I am, " to our children. This affirmation will change their lives as they choose to use this affirmation in their daily lives. I bring this book to you and to your children so that you are all aware that, you are here and you are a part of everything and in turn everything is a part of you. Blessings.