They're back- but on separate planets, worlds apart...
Lynette has been brutally abducted by the Hazguard s from their Suffolk manor and taken off into the depths of space. With one angry, hot, and dashing lord- hot on their tail. It's frankly a shit show, he knows that much. But he must get her back to his world before it s too late, and before she and their baby come to any harm...
Oh yes, the one that he doesn't know about! Because he never thought that an alien could conceive with a mere human...
She meanwhile, misses her Raymond so much, as she is being kept in a dingy, tired, old, alien prisoner camp back in her home world. But she is angry at him, no- she is fucking fuming at him. When he rescues her will she even want to come home after what he did to her and the burning secret that he kept?
And will he find her, or will she just have to rescue herself and everyone else that is being held there?
She might just burn the alien bastard camp to the ground!
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