For less than the price of a single acting class, here is "A YEAR IN ACTING CLASS."
This book is taken from direct conversations between real acting students and their coach. They discuss craft and careers as the students launch themselves into the task of being an actor in this class taught by award-winning actor and director Duane Daniels. (Best known for his role in the series and movie VERONICA MARS) Mr. Daniels is founder of The Actor's Workhouse in the USA and also teaches acting at Berridge Programs in France. He is a lifelong actor, director and producer with 25 years experience as an Artistic Director.
This book breaks down the process of script interpretation, memorization, confidence and the mindset of being an actor at their best.
Follow the journeys of Alejandro, Debra, Talia, Joe and many others as they spend A YEAR IN ACTING CLASS.
As a bonus, A YEAR IN ACTING CLASS includes several short scenes from The Actor's Workhouse that you can rehearse with a partner.
Welcome to class
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