A man at the height of his success travels inside of his very own soul. What he learns...is priceless.
Benjamin Lawrence is a mid-forties, very successful and egotistical owner of a stock brokerage firm that seems to only care about one thing--success. After his wife, up and leaves him, a dark and nefarious shadow, representing all of his past shenanigans, mysteriously appears and carries him to the depths of his very own soul. Down the rabbit hole, he goes, through a wild adventure of hall ways, a casino, a gut wrenching basement, lush green valleys, a gooey lake of emotions, and the outer galaxy of time and space. But he will be trapped inside of abstract truths of himself forever unless he can find the true purpose in life.
Meanwhile, his ex-wife, Raines Lawrence, and his teenage son move out into a tiny yellow town home. She is determined to prove that she can make it on her own, without all his money. But was this the answer to her happiness? After a spiritual dream, she begins to store all her hope underneath the wings of a white bird.
Leo, their brilliant teenage son, is riding out his last few weeks of high school completely and utterly smitten with his first love, Becca Wheeler. But Becca's ex-boyfriend, Henry, is overcome with jealousy and threatens Leo on a daily basis. Leo is bullied and given a nasty ultimatum to fight Henry in the school parking lot. Leo spirals into an unfathomable darkness. Now more than ever, Leo needs his father but Benjamin is far...far...away. Will Ben be able to find his way home? Or will he remain trapped inside his soul until the end of time?
In a world of increasing gun violence, bullying, and rising intentions for success, 'A White Bird' is a Christian Fiction novel that reminds us of our true purpose and that inside of everyone's soul, is the answer to a question a lot of us wonder from time to time--is there something more to this life? Indeed, there is. If you listen closely, 'A White Bird' will whisper the truth into your heart.