Enjoy the stories, which are easy to read, honest and often whimsical. The tone and feel of the stories are along the lines of Gerald Durrell's "My Family and Other Animals" and "They're a Weird Mob" by Nino Culotta.
Zoe delights in writing and has spent many years putting together these terrific autobiographical anecdotes for the novel A Walk in my Skin. You will go down memory lane too, reading about the adventures of true blue Aussie kids, written by a girl whose parents migrated from war-torn Greece looking for a better life. They settled in Hamilton, Victoria where the events take place.
Simplified versions of the stories are found in the novel Speak English Like Australians! written for learners of English and their narrations are on YouTube. Once there, search for Zoe Lambreas. Learners can improve their pronunciation and vocabulary as they read along and listen.
For more information please go to the following website: www.speaklikeaustralians.com