The concept of this book revolves around the following idea:
In one life, we die a thousand times; we are reborn a thousand times. We crumble, fall, tear apart and the layers decay, burning away the illusions until the truth of who we are is all that remains.
A thousand lives is a collection of poetry about such thousand deaths and rebirths. About the pain, trauma, breaking, rebuilding, love, loss, healing and the final awakening. It is divided into four chapters, where each one addresses a different stage of the journey, addresses a different kind of pain, suffering, heartbreak and finds a way through them that leads to healing.
It serves as an evidence that the pain may fool you into believing the cycle is endless but something that has a beginning always has an ending. That this suffering, it has a bigger purpose to serve, the cycle ends and you come out stronger, you shine better than ever. And the biggest success; when this light of yours lights up the way for others.
This book for such warriors, so that you know you are seen that you are not alone in this. It is a reminder of the greater purpose, of the stubborn hope, unbreakable and unshakeable faith; a reminder of what kind of Divine miracle you are; of awakening to your true nature.