Everyone in the world has had at least one teacher in their life whom they remember. Can you think of one of them right now? You may remember this teacher because they helped shape your being, your thoughts, your way of approaching life simply by modeling patience, exuding love and acceptance, or they were really great at explaining things. Or, you may remember this teacher because they were impatient, yelled a lot, or were dismissive and negated your unique presence, and you swore you would never be like them.
No matter how hard we try, teaching isn't always easy. No one teacher is going to satisfy every student. This is okay and normal. The truth is, there are probably students today who remember me for being terrific and some who remember me for being a bit all over the place. However, 30 years later, alumni continue to reach out to me for connection. This book gives you the opportunity to reflect and change things you can now while in the midst of teaching instead of feeling stuck without positive options.
My book, A Teacher's Companion: How to Center Empathy & Emotional Well-Being for Yourself and Your Students infuses the basics of teaching and life by emphasizing teaching from the heart. Real-life, often universal anecdotes are shared from my years of teaching experience while the questions and reflection space are there to support you, the teacher, get and stay unstuck