This book violates the beliefs embodied in the current paradigm of the universe. Some of these beliefs include the Big Bang, inflation of the universe, the dominance of quantum mechanics over general relativity, the view that quantum fields dominate the universe, the view that time was created at the Big Bang and is fundamental to cosmology, the rejection of the conservation of energy, the belief that the flatness of the universe is due to inflation, the view that the universe is expanding by the injection of energy from the quantum vacuum state, and the ideas of multiple universes. I have provided alternatives to the current paradigm, including, where possible, hypotheses and mathematical explanations of new theories. My aim is to present new ideas for cosmology and not to create a textbook of cosmology. Hence, I assume that the reader has studied cosmology and astrophysics and is conversant with classical, quantum, and statistical mechanics. Many references are provided for those readers who wish to pursue any topic in more detail.