Imagine a universe without laws. In heaven, Lucifer persuaded a third of the angels to join his rebellion by appealing to the wicked angels' desire to do evil. Ridding themselves of God and His laws that kept them from doing evil, they would be free to do what they wanted to do without fear of punishment. In the ensuring battle, Lucifer and his followers were cast down to earth. So where on earth are they?
Demon spirits need a human body to do the devils work. "Even from your own numbers," Paul forewarned the church, "men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw disciples after them" (Matthew 13:18). Though demonic spirits disguise their evil intent by masquerading under cloaks of respectability as Judas did, their false teachings and evil deeds expose them for who they really serve. Evil opposes everything God has established. Satan's intent to abolish God's laws and his desire to be worshiped "like God" has never changed. What Satan failed to achieve in heaven, he today has achieved on earth.
There's an abundance of ignorance because there's a famine of the truth on the land. Under the banner of "Christianity," Satan's minions have spun a web of lies in the upper echelon of our government and in many books on religion and American history that obscures the truth and shapes people's thinking. Millions have been taken captive by lies, and the only lifesaving antidote for someone in a comatose state of ignorance is God's truth.
Evil is often necessary to draw a nation or an individual back to God (1 Corinthians 5:5). This book is a guide warning those, escaping the fire by God's grace, about the devil's snares that want to snatch them back into the fire. It's a guide for criminal justice reformers and a guide for dragon hunters in search of the truth. Tracking Satan's scent by following his signature traits will take you to where Satan has his throne today. The place where he is being worshiped "like God" and the churches and the government institutions from where his minions have been working to abolish God's laws and Christian teachings that once governed the true Christian Church and the nation.