Sunny Brafford swore off men fourteen years ago when she kicked her lying, cheating husband out of her bed and out of her business, and Brafford Inn went on to be one of the most sought-after B&B locations in northern Wisconsin. Now, entering the new year, Sunny's at a place in her life where everything is good and there isn't a thing she would change. But change is coming in as swiftly as the previous night's snowfall.
This New Year's Day marks the start of many surprises for the town of Riley's favorite innkeeper when she hears her name announced over the radio as the winner of a contest she never entered, for a vacation for two at one of the largest ranches in Arizona. To most people, this news would be cause for rejoicing, but Sunny isn't like most people. She never enters vacation contests because she thinks vacations are a waste of time when you already enjoy what you're doing with your life. She finds it unsettling that she would win a contest she never entered and is determined to find the culprit who set this in motion.
Armed with her best friend and quirky stage performer at her side, Sunny ventures out of her comfort zone to take the first vacation of her life. The duo is dropped off in the heart of cowboy country on a ranch owned by Elrod Huntington Hawk. He's a big man with an even bigger far-reaching as northern Wisconsin, where his sketched portrait has been secretly adorning Sunny's bedroom wall.
Editorial Reviews: Review
"Sunny and Marlee make a pair of fun heroines. So their adventures on the Flagstaff ranch sound promising. Quite effective is the hint at the end of the first chapter that somehow, the ranch owner has something to do with Sunny's winning the contest." -Vine Reviewer
"The first few paragraphs do grab a reader's attention. The main plot is clear and believable. The main character has a clearly defined problem to solve. We get a sense of Sunny's family, friends and her job. We can see that the people in this time and place would behave as they do. The timing and order of events in the story are consistent. The dialogue of the people in the story seems consistent with their personalities. There is a surprising element that seems intriguing as we read about Elrod Huntington Hawk." -Vine Reviewer