A Life in Perspective is part memoir, part social and economic history, and part reflection. The author's declared purpose, in this his only book; ''to make sense of the life I have lived and to be faithful to the truth that I perceive''. It is published in his 75th year.
Some of the questions posed in Reflections, the final part of the book include:
- Has humanity progressed?
- Is tribalism and resulting conflict inevitable?
- Is corruption the unavoidable consequence of power?
- How do we know what is true?
- Are we simply the animals of biological science?
- Is there a purpose to human experience?
- What constitutes good?
- Is death the end of consciousness and existence?
The author was born in the middle of the twentieth century into a working class family in a north of England mill town. In this book he looks back at his life, his forebears and the environment that shaped him, as well as at the emotional turmoil of his adolescence and the challenges of work and career. The Reflections part of the book seeks to achieve perspective. It appraises the world of today, contemporary assumptions and notions of progress, as well as the nature of power and the value of social cohesion. Finally the book considers the perennial idea of life having meaning and consequently purpose, drawing on many sources from across the ages.
View more information about the book, its author and content on this dedicated website: https: //alifeinperspective.wordpress.com
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