This book talks about marriage and divorce God's way. There are far too many Christians with a burning question they dare not ask for fear of the answer; consequently, they live under a cloud of doubt.
Church leaders would be shocked at the number of Christians who suffer in silence with the questions, "Does God honor my marriage to someone other than my first spouse?" or "Although divorced, is my first wife/husband still my spouse in God's eyes?" These are valid questions that hamper an otherwise good relationship with God because it will cause you to be unsure about your true standing before Him. There are too many Christians dealing with these questions because they are unsure how God feels about their divorce.
This book will not only answer those questions, but will challenge people to think about how they got their current spouse. This book will challenge Christians to face their past with honesty and humility. We must be willing to answer the hard questions, with the ugly truth:
- Was your spouse married to someone else when the two of you started seeing each other?
- Did you break up someone's home to start your own?
- The Bible says God hates divorce. Do you find yourself questioning the validity of your remarriage in God's eyes?
- God hates adultery, has He forgiven you?
Keep reading, you are holding the answers in your hand.