He has been known by many names ... Satan, the Great Deceiver, Prince of Darkness ... QUITTER?
Although Lucifer is not fond of the word "quitting," he is definitely retiring. For seven generations, he has tried to raise up the Antichrist, but each of the mighthavebeens (despite being the embodiment of one of the Seven Deadly Sins) has proven less than equal to the challenge.
So what now?
What better way to exit than with an interview? At WCVT-TV in Chicago, Tony is the star news anchor. He knows that most people just need a quick soundbyte and an easy smile from their evening news. And all Tony needs is the right story to pave his way to the national desk. Lucifer's story is a guaranteed head-turner, possibly Tony's golden ticket; but the more Lucifer talks about retiring, the more Tony believes the real battle for mankind may just be beginning.