What a beautifully written collection of 42 poems by Linda Strait in her debut as an author Her concise and wisdom-filled words will connect with your heart in a way that will have you smiling and nodding your head, Yes There are no words minced here. It is obvious from the start that these truths have been percolated and fine tuned for a lifetime.
She shares her feelings, healing, and experiences from her personal journey to wholeness. Each poem resonates with truth, including "You are not here to live your life for another-their needs and prejudices. You are here for yourself, uncovering your God-given perfection...and that's all you need to do." And, "...join me on this journey of finding the true you-the you that others could not see because of their wounds. You are truly beautiful and...I love you so "
This is a collection that you can go to when you need to be lifted up, encouraged, hugged, loved and confirmed. It is a confirmation that you are not alone; that you have everything that you need; that you are enough.
Enjoy these poems in your quiet moments. Breathe them in. Use them to express yourself to others. Share them with friends who would appreciate the connection. We are all in this together.