"Ghermlie Story: The Protector of the Seventh Kingdom Key" is an action-adventure fantasy book designed for children. This particular edition features black and white illustrations, characterized by bold hand-drawn artwork. The Ghermlies, carefree and harmless creatures, reside in the Kingdom of Pink Rock within the subterranean Hives. The central character, Glee, is a hardworking but clumsy Ghermlie.
Following a busy morning of fruit picking from the towering peeko trees, Glee finds himself in a perilous situation. After an unfortunate fall from a great height and a knock on the head, Glee wakes up to discover that his king and fellow Ghermlies have vanished. In the company of his loyal pet, Dink, Glee embarks on a mission to locate them, only to realize that all is not well in the Kingdom of Pink Rock.
As the story unfolds, Glee learns of the grim fate that has befallen his kin under the malevolent rule of the evil King Kructor. Determined to rescue his companions, Glee and Dink set out on a quest to retrieve the powerful kingdom key. Their journey leads them to seek the guidance and sanctuary of the wise yet mystical Mirkles. Along the way, they encounter various beings-some friendly and helpful, others villainous and wicked. The overarching question remains: Can Glee, with the assistance of Dink, thwart King Kructor's cruel and spiteful plans and save the Ghermlies from impending doom?