Born of one "off the wall" parent and the other not, how would you have grappled with the first 10 years of childhood, growing up in the late 1940s and '50s?
My mother, having a narcissistic personality, was able to plunge herself, together with her three young girls, into a life under canvas in order to escape her unhappy marriage.
I did survive, surprisingly well (I think, though those around me might think otherwise!).
I grew up not taking life too seriously, so I do have something to thank my eccentric mother for, along with the colour and adventure that came with the package.
She handed me permission to bring myself up, which I welcomed with open arms.
I invite you to join me on my journey, but be prepared for a rollercoaster ride in Book 1 (Book 2 . . . Book 3 . . .). Once aboard, you might not want to get off!